Welcome to Ivey, HBA 2026s

Welcome to Ivey, incoming HBAs!!

On behalf of the Orientation Week Leaders (OWLs), we want to send our biggest congratulations on your acceptance to Ivey! We are thrilled to welcome you to what promises to be an unforgettable O-Week and a year filled with incredible experiences and lasting memories.

Our 150 person OWL team cannot wait to meet all 778 of you very soon and help ease your transition into the Ivey family. It feels like just yesterday that we were standing where you are now—nervous, excited, and maybe even a sense of imposter syndrome. But rest assured, everyone finds their place at Ivey, and we’re here to support you 100% of the way, both academically and personally. Our commitment to you doesn’t stop after Orientation Week–we will be here to support you throughout your entire HBA journey. Our goal is to ensure your experience at Ivey is as great, if not better, than the one we had.

The Ivey Business school is full of some of the most amazing people you will ever meet, both academically, and personally. You will have the opportunity to connect with some of the most amazing speakers, learn from outstanding professors, and face new and exciting challenges. Before diving in, take a moment to reflect on what you want to achieve over the next eight months, and that can be anything, not just getting a job! We encourage you to embrace every opportunity and get involved in the Ivey community in any way you can, whether that be running for section president, joining a club, or applying to OWL! At the same time, remember to prioritize your well-being—physically, mentally, and emotionally. If you ever need support—be it academic, career-related, or personal—take advantage of Ivey’s many resources, or reach out to an OWL. We’re here for you!

Over the past five months, our Orientation Team has been hard at work planning a phenomenal week filled with events and activities. You’ll have plenty of chances to bond with your section, meet faculty, and work with your OWL to ensure you feel ready for the first day of classes. Beyond ourselves, program administration, faculty, the HBAA, Ivey Clubs, and others have been working tirelessly to make your introduction to the HBA program fulfilling, engaging, and safe.

We can’t wait for you to experience what being part of the Ivey community is all about—from section socials to early 8am starts, to somewhat forceful 48-hour LT bonding sessions, and so much more. We’re excited to meet you all soon and are grateful for the privilege to support you through your HBA1 year.

If you have any questions about O-Week, the program, or anything else, please don’t hesitate to reach out! 

Maguire Hampson, VP Student Events & Saylor Sprenger, Head OWL



29 Aug

Transfer Day

A welcoming event for students entering HBA1 from other universities.

30 Aug

Opening Gala

Your official welcome to Ivey from Faculty, Staff, the HBAA, and others!

31 Sept

Ivey Olympics

Fun-filled activities and competitions in your sections vs other sections.

01 Sept

VibeZ Day

A chill vibey day to reset after a busy week.

02 Sept


Time to tackle all things academics related, meet the HBAA, and more!

07 Sept

Beach Day

Let’s celebrate the end of your first week of HBA1 with a trip to the beach!


Ivey Business Attire Look Book

While these suggestions are intended to inspire, please remember that personal style and comfort are paramount.

You Belong Here!

We can't wait to meet you and contribute to making your Ivey journey as rewarding as possible. Reach out to us if you have any questions or concerns!